An interactive, digital, creative thinking Samsung Flip

An interactive, digital, creative thinking Samsung Flip

Samsung Flip is an interactive display that provides more productivity and efficient collaboration without hassle. With the Samsung Flip, meetings can take place anywhere and at any time with all the important elements that are needed. Imagine how the Samsung Flip can help your team work smarter, faster and better. Samsung’s 55-inch Flip display is a digital […]

Structured Cabling System

Structured Cabling System

A structured cabling system is a complete system of cabling and associated hardware, which provides a comprehensive telecommunications infrastructure. This infrastructure serves a wide range of uses, such as to provide telephone service or transmit data through a computer network. It should not be device dependent. The structured cabling system begins at the point where […]

Do you have a clear view of what’s happening on your network?

Do you have a clear view of what’s happening on your network?

Can you see exactly what’s happening on your network at any given time? Do you know how many applications you’re running, and who is using them? Do you know how many threats – known and unknown are attacking your network? The Security Lifecycle Review (SLR) is a great way to get visibility of what is really happening on […]

Quality. Reliable. Intelligent PDUs

Quality. Reliable. Intelligent PDUs

Intelligent rack PDUs boost your data center’s IQ Data Center infrastructure management (DCIM) without smart infrastructure is like having a brain with no central nervous system. It’s one thing to have extraordinary computational power. It’s another to have the means to transmit granular information from the fingers and toes (aka, individual racks and servers) of […]

Learn How Micro-segmentation can improve security?

Learn How Micro-segmentation can improve security?

Network security is a growing problem in the enterprise: Infrastructure complexity, higher traffic volumes, more applications and data stores, and an unending array of threats put the business at ever-increasing risk. Enter micro-segmentation. Micro-segmentation is a security technique that enables fine-grained security policies to be assigned to data center applications, down to the workload level. […]

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