Mobility and IoT causing IT headaches? Connect and protect.

Mobility and IoT causing IT headaches? Connect and protect.

Today’s GenMobile workforce has completely diluted the notion of a fixed perimeter – it doesn’t exist where users connect and work from anywhere. To protect the enterprise and its resources in the digital workplace, IT must consider security that starts from the inside out. IT must adapt to the way today’s users work – starting […]

Print Monitoring Solution – Delivering Real Business Results

Print Monitoring Solution – Delivering Real Business Results

Printing is a critical part of any company’s IT services, and almost each and every employee is directly impacted by the efficiency and quality of printing. Paper jams and toner outages are responsible for a frustratingly incalculable loss of productivity. Smudgy, grainy and unclear printouts can confuse recipients and defeat the very purpose of print […]

The Industrial Internet of Things

The Industrial Internet of Things

The industrial internet of things, or IIoT, is the use of the internet of things (IoT) technologies to enhance manufacturing and industrial processes. Industrial IoT stands out as a category because there are no other domains in which the impact of a security breach so impactful, or the defenses so inefficient. Many of the control […]

The Future- Hyper Convergence

The Future- Hyper Convergence

Each Infra ( HCI ) architectures discussion start and end with limited business benefits that include: Ease of purchase Simple setup Consolidated management Full-stack support Pay-as-you-go economics On the basis of my technical discussion with most of our customers, I have found that we are limiting our discussion at infrastructure level only. Although we all […]

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