
Battery Testing and Monitoring

Ensure that your battery backup systems will provide maximum output when needed. NTIL Battery Testing and Monitoring services not only offer peace of mind but also extend battery life, enhance safety, and minimize maintenance costs.

Because batteries are the heart of many stationary, critical power and motive power applications, monitoring their health and reliability is essential to delivering power on demand.

Battery monitoring can detect problems in early stages and eliminates guessing when planning new applications. It enables you to monitor these 24 hours a day:

  • Utilization
  • Temperatures
  • Cycle counts
  • Performance

NTIL has a dedicated team of experienced and expert technicians who have all the modern devices used in analyzing, recording and monitoring critical battery operating parameters required by many government and safety regulatory agencies.

NTIL posses an online battery monitoring and data management system with test analysis and remote monitoring control capabilities. It is capable of automatic monitoring, displaying and recording of different battery parameters. Data recorded can be transferred to remote central computer via various protocols such as RS-232, Wi-Fi, GPRS or TCP/IP.

NTIL monitoring software can also be integrated with Network Operating system of data centers or with building management systems.



Measures voltage of individual batteries which helps users determine the health and performance of the batteries.


Measures the amount of current which flows through each battery bank during the float, charge and discharge mode.

Ambient Temperature:

Measures the ambient temperature at any given two points per system.

Internal Resistance:

Measures the internal resistance of individual batteries which helps in predicting the battery health.

Charge/Discharge Cycles (Optional):

Measures the number of charge-discharge cycles of each battery string to help the user monitor the service life of the battery.</p

Power Outages (Optional):

Records every power failure and its duration.

Alarms & Alerts Reports

  • Alarm condition reporting: Tabular
  • Cell/jar out-of-limits summary report: Tabular
  • Individual cell voltages over time: Graph/Tabular
  • Total battery voltage over time: Graph/Tabular
  • Room temperature over time: Graph/Tabular
  • Discharge report – Total battery voltage decay vs. time: Graph/Tabular
  • Discharge report – Cell voltage decay vs. time: Graph/Tabular
  • Discharge hit summary report: Tabular
  • Discharge hit interval summary report: Tabular
  • General summary report of batteries and monitoring status of all systems
  • to the batteries or string level based on user set thresholds
  • Detailed summary reports of batteries and monitoring status of all systems
  • with a line graph trend of any parameter that violated a threshold
  • Ambient Temperature Alarm
  • Cell Voltage Alarm
  • String Voltage Alarm
  • SMS Alarm: Sending an SMS directly from the hardware through GSM/GPRS/Internet
  • Communication Alarm
  • General Alarm through Dry/Potential/Volt Free Contacts
  • General status and alarms of all the batteries on string level basis is provided as per user set threshold on the dashboard software
  • Detailed alarm summary of all the batteries on string level basis is provided as per user set threshold on the dashboard software

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