Risk to Resilience: Leveraging SOC for Compliance in a Digital World

Risk to Resilience: Leveraging SOC for Compliance in a Digital World

The current world is interconnected hence it is natural for businesses to maintain a significant online presence to remain relevant.

However, with an increased online footprint, a modern business is opening up more digital ways for cybercriminals to exploit and attack the company in question.

There are many ways a modern-day enterprise can protect itself online but none of them even come close to the efficiency of Security Operations Center (SOC) solutions.

What is a SOC solution, you ask?

Well, in simple words, SOC is a cybersecurity tool that offers end-to-end security to applications, virtual devices, and physical devices such as servers using real-time monitoring and threat mitigation.

Primary Functions of SOC

  • As per the professional opinions of experts associated with the best SOC companies in India, the primary function of a bespoke SOC solution is to maintain an inventory of available resources so that real-time protection and defense can be offered to assets whenever the need arises.
  • The secondary function of a bespoke SOC solution is to prepare for future threats.
  • The tertiary function of a bespoke SOC solution is to take preventative measures and continuously monitor client assets.

Growing Importance of SOC

Cybercriminals are executing their exploits round the clock which is why businesses these days spend their resources to get their hands on the best SOC solution in a bid to make sure their –

  • Online operations are monitored
  • Immediate threats are detected in real-time and mitigated and
  • Preventative measures are designed as well as deployed to keep the business in question future-proof.

In short, businesses that want to ensure their IT traditional or cloud-based infrastructure operates as it should 24×7 should invest in bespoke SOC solutions offered by revered service providers. And this mindset has become the norm both in the Indian and the global corporate sector.

Hence, the growing importance of SOC solutions is a natural outcome, to be honest!

Evaluation of the best SOC service provider

If you want your business to have access to the best Security Operation Center services then you have to make sure that your preferred SOC as a service provider –

  • Helps your in-house cybersecurity personnel to improve their skills
  • Has almost instantaneous incident response procedures
  • Has the ability to seamlessly coordinate with your in-house team members
  • Has access to the latest SOC technologies
  • Has access to skilled, certified and highly skilled personnel
  • Have resources in place that allow them to combine automated (AI + ML) threat analysis with human analysis in a bid to reduce response times.
  • Has filters in place to separate false alerts from the real threats
  • Offers 24×7 monitoring and assistance.

Importance of SOC in Regulatory Compliance

Businesses around the globe need to comply with an array of regulatory compliances such as GDPR, HIPAA, PCI-DSS, etc.

In simple words, regulatory compliance is the series of steps taken by a business to make sure that its operations remain compliant with the –

  • Laws
  • Regulations
  • Guidelines, etc. penned by the apex authorities of the state or nation where the company in question is operating.

How do these regulations impact businesses in various sectors?

Well, when a business complies with the norms it is supposed to follow, the following can be witnessed by the people who own the business in question –

  • Reduced risk
  • An impressive increase in efficiency
  • Better strategic alignment of the corporate goals with the identity of the brand, etc.

The consequences of non-compliance

When a business does not comply with the norms it is supposed to follow then the following consequences are natural outcomes –

  • Financial penalties
  • Lawsuits and
  • Damaged reputation.

The role of SOC services in maintaining audit trails

One might wonder where SOC services come into all of this.

Well, for starters, the right SOC solution can help a business maintain audit trails since detailed reporting and documentation are some of the primary features of bespoke SOC services.

When partnered with the right SOC company, a business can expect to have access to meticulous records consisting of –

  • Security incidents
  • Responses that were taken to mitigate those security incidents and
  • Monitoring efforts taken in real-time by the SOC service provider.

The outcome of the above is that the business in question would have a clear audit trail on tap that can be used to prove that the company complies with the necessary cybersecurity norms.


It is evident by now that a comprehensive SOC solution that has been specifically designed for a company can help the same to achieve its cybersecurity compliance. Furthermore, the business in question would also have access to a plethora of pertinent tools and processes that would future-proof its interests. On top of this, expert assistance from the preferred SOC service provider like Network Techlab India Private Limited on tap is the proverbial cherry on top.  To learn more, feel free to contact Network Techlab especially when your goal is to get your hands on bespoke assessments. For more information feel free to share your feedback or service-related questions by calling +91 8879004536 or sending an email to

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