Mobile App security solution, Partner in Mumbai.
Mobile apps are at the center of the modern lifestyle across the world - from banking and eCommerce to healthcare and education. Users make quick decisions expecting the best experience and complete trust in the organization to secure the private information they share with you.
At the same time, mobile apps are increasingly targeted as a gateway for malicious attacks, fraud and data breaches. Any of these attacks risk your organisation from not only leaking the user’s private information but also making a dent in your reputation and resulting in financial and legal liabilities.
Enhance your mobile app security effortlessly
As per Gartner, mobile Apps from any sector viz. finance, education, insurance, travel, food ordering etc, need to be able to detect and mitigate cyber threats at their end. This can only be achieved if the Apps are incorporated with Runtime Application Self Protection (RASP).

Mobile Apps We Cater To




Government & Public Sector

Accelerate the Growth with RASP

Real-Time, Always On

Fraud and Risk

Secure your Brand

Specialized Cyber Security

Secure Your Organization's

Protect the Personal &
Professional You
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