Data Center Solutions
With more than 28+ years of dedicated experience in the development and management of large scale Data Center deployments, NTIL is presently the only organization capable of offering other organizations a true end-to-end solution for their Complete Data Center Solution.
Smart Integrated Data Center
NTIL offers critical infrastructure technologies and rapidly-deployable customized solutions to meet specific business requirements. It helps you cost-effectively achieve and manage higher levels of density, availability, and efficiency. The SmartSolutions approach gives you the efficiency, economy, functionality, and control to implement an outperforming infrastructure strategy.

Conventional Data Center
For most Data Centers, approximately 70% of the operating budget is spent on maintaining existing infrastructure while only 30% is for innovations aligned to the business goals. Your challenge is to reverse that allocation and transform your data center into a strategic business asset.

Data Center Re-engineering
Data Center Re Engineering and Data Center Designs is more than just an art, it is a regressive engineering process. It is a process in which business needs are transformed into application requirements and such requirements are correlated with various measures and such measures then imported into the data center environment and infrastructure, translating into parameters such as kw and square footage and then conceptually layered, detailed designed, precisely quantified and specified into an implementable optimum data center site and infrastructure!
Data Center Monitoring & Management (DCIM)
DCIM solutions help in reducing operational cost, maintaining high availability, manage energy usage, provide real time data to the business, centrally manage multiple sites, raise Standards and process, measure all elements of the Data Center.

Data Center Audits
NTIL offers Data Center Audit & Certification services, which encompass the entirety of application ecosystem from Site, to Site Facility Infrastructure (SFI), to Topology (Data Center Cloud), even Compute, Platform and the Application itself per guidelines and requirements. We aim to align data centers with the business applications and Resilience, Availability, Capacity, Efficiency, Operation, Security & Safety. The holistic approach and the comprehensiveness of the NTIL provisioned data center audits and assessments make them highly unique and extremely effective for the enterprise helping organizations save on unjustified OpEx and unnecessary CapEx.
Data Center Services and AMC
NTIL provides AMC services to maintain the Data Center condition as per customer need and required compliance. Increasing efficiencies, reducing costs and maintaining availability are top priorities for today’s data center administrators. In the past, the idea of conserving resources while enhancing performance was next to impossible even to the most experienced IT and Facilities organizations. That was until data center infrastructure management came along.