
Hybrid Solutions with Harmonic Filtering and Reactive Power Compensation

An ever-increasing deployment of high power converters in industrial application causes the grid power quality to deteriorate. The displacement power factor and the current distortion are two key indicators of the quality of the grid power. An active harmonic filter (AHF) alone is capable of addressing both, the low power factor issue as well as the high current distortion issues of power quality. However, the higher cost and higher losses associated with the AHF makes it an expensive proposal for addressing multiple power quality problems. In view of this, NTIPL offers an economical hybrid solution.


a. Consultation, Design and Testing
b. Frequent Health Check up as per the contract
c. Annual Maintenance

There are two types of Hybrid Solution delivered by NTIPL that includes:

Hybrid Solution With Harmonic Filtering and Reactive Power Compensation (APFC+AHF+SVG)

Hybrid Solution with Stepless Reactive Power Compensation

NTIPL has been committed to providing a fully integrated Hybrid Solution that is unique on its own. On behalf of the rapid development of industry and infrastructure and their need to save on cost and losses in power, the invention of Hybrid Solutions by NTIPL has proved to be the best way to resolve all the issues.

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