Hyperconvergence combines Compute, Storage and Networking in a software-driven appliance.
HCI system is typically sold as a commodity hardware box, but it can also be sold as software that can be installed on a buyer’s existing hardware or as hardware purchased specifically for the installation.
- Internal IT must work with a Server vendor to size and order the required boxes by purchasing a SAN and provisioning it, including the back-end iSCSI or FC network consisting of a separate switch. A core switch is then purchased and configured to service front-end traffic to the servers. The last step involves the installation and configuration of the appropriate virtualization solution. The purchasing and provisioning of each of these separate components is time consuming and labor intensive. It also requires a separate expertise of each solution for the internal IT staff.
- Today, companies have become comfortable extending Data Center Infrastructure beyond the four walls along with Public Cloud Technology hence their Technology Infrastructure needs a hybrid approach. They need public clouds for some uses, but they need on-premises infrastructure for others.
HCI can bridge this gap by providing a flexible, modular infrastructure which combines Servers, Storage and Networking all in one box. Instead of managing and integrating separate components (Server, Storage Virtualization , Network) and Hyperconverged Technology brings infrastructure under one roof for simplified management.
HCI uses software-based centralized management, enabling IT managers to view their cloud-based on-premises environments in one centralized view and manage data workloads more easily.
Most HCI solutions consist of two fundamental components:
A Distributed Data Plane:that runs across a cluster of nodes delivering Storage, Virtualization and Networking services for guest applications – either VMs or container-based applications.
A Management Plane:that allows for easy administration of all HCI resources from a single view, and eliminates the need for separate management solutions for Servers, Storage Networks, Storage and Virtualization.
Many enterprises are migrating to a Hybrid IT approach in which workloads are matched to the appropriate platform that optimizes the user experience while maximizing ROI.
Most transformations are initiated by the need to replace end-of-life hardware or introduce new operating systems every few years.
To know more about the solution and requirements please contact us!